Saturday, July 16, 2016

Yesterday? Oops!

I was settling into time-to-go-to-bed mode when I realized I had not taken or posted a photo for yesterday. My bad. It won't promise it won't happen again, because I expect it will. Just not today.

When the nest empties, there is suddenly empty space that can be occupied. The desktop computer that used to sit on this desk in the dark area of our living room behind the fireplace is now on the empty desk in what was older son's bedroom. He did such a good job of moving out that his former room was easy to convert into the husband's office and wife's (yes, that would be me) yarn storeroom. Older son had floor to ceiling bookcases that now hold my yarn and will help me remember what yarns I have or don't have. I'm trying to repress thoughts of any I don't have because being able to see all my yarn tells me that I do not need any more. There is more than enough yarn there for, thinking optimistically, the next 60 years of my life.

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